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Augustus Bridge
Commissioned by the London Borough of Hounslow, the scheme started in August 2016.
Sited on a backwater of the River Brent by the Thames, the bridge is said to be the last railway project by the famous engineer Isambard Brunel.
Before refurbishment works started, the bridge was in a poor condition, was subject to a 7.5 tonne weight restriction and had a chicane in place to limit loading, which slowed traffic and proved unpopular with local residents.
The refurbishment of the bridge, which completed in May 2017, became the largest structural improvement scheme for our client, and resulted in the bridge’s structure being strengthened to a 40 tonne capacity.
All surface course civils works carried out by Gavigan Paving Ltd

Augustus Bridge 1

Augustus Bridge 10

Augustus Bridge 9

Augustus Bridge 1
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