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Brentford Creek, TW8
As part of the Brentford regeneration scheme Gavigan’s carried out a 10 week project along a section of the Thames Path.
The worn asphalt footway was replaced with a Tegular paving design, which included 7 different sizes of blocks to a specific pattern.
The old railings were also replaced with new, painted and bent to suit on site.
There was only one way in and out of the site, which was from Brentford High Street, so delivery and removal of materials had to be co-ordinated during restricted working times. All materials were double handled as they then had to be taken to and from the working area by narrow 1t dumpers.
Seats were then installed to complete the refurbishment.

Brentford Creek
Brentford Creek

Brentford Creek
Brentford Creek

Brentford Creek
Brentford Creek

Brentford Creek
Brentford Creek
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